יום שני, 20 בדצמבר 2010

Amir Goldberg KARMIC Number - Big Brother Israel Contestant

Amir Goldberg


Eight Karmic Accumulation

You are constantly seeking ways to bolster your ego and success image. An aspect of pride makes you believe you deserve to be in a position of authority; however, at the same time, you are unwilling to put forth the effort making you worthy of the rank. At negative extremes, you can become ruthless to the point of inflicting pain upon others. You put on an air of bravado and confidence that masks very deep-rooted fear: you may not in fact be able to handle the situation. There is an enormous drive for success, and most likely you will end up with a significant position and sizable earnings -- unless greed enters your heart. You become uneasy and dissatisfied readily with the way things are progressing and then doubt the ability or motives of those with whom you are associated. This indicator suggests one constantly on the move, teaching business, charitable, or civic affairs. The early years of your life presented numerous adversities and impediments, forming a subconscious attitude of defiant belief that you can meet any challenge.

Most of the previous statements apply to your business as well as general life attitudes. You have difficulty with bosses and managers and need much leeway to make decisions. You will not be in the lower echelon for long, no matter what kind of organization you have chosen. You have a knack for contributing ideas for better technical production, more effective utilization of personnel, and you exercise sound judgment in the expenditure and investment of money. Unfortunately, your personal financial decisions may not be as fruitful.

You play a convincing charade about friendships, acting as if you can take 'em or leave 'em. Underneath this act, you want to be liked by all, and secretly you need acceptance from others to have peace of mind. Because of your need to have supportive friendships, you develop loyalty and will offer helpful advice about any impersonal topics. When friends get too close to your emotional framework, you become uneasy and temperamental. A strong competitive drive makes it difficult to accept friends and social acquaintances for what they are instead of for what they have.

Oddly enough, this businesslike attitude also permeates your romantic life. Your detached emotional nature generates a sort of indifferent attitude. You would do best with a strong-willed mate who is ambitious but able to give you constant boosting. If your goals are too similar, competition rather than compatibility will no doubt prevail. When support is not given or the marriage falters, you easily justify outside love affairs or indulgent habits.

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