יום שלישי, 28 בדצמבר 2010

Big Brother Israel Season 3 Atay Schulberg Karmic Accumulation

Atay Schulberg


Ten Karmic Accumulation

You almost inevitably succeed, but that doesn't prevent a horrible fear of disaster every time a new project looms near. Indication of significant failure in a previous lifetime makes you hesitate to initiate new endeavors or unwilling to sustain the confidence and effort needed for success.

You have great ideas and initial enthusiasm, however, subconscious fears can prevent you from completing a lot of your schemes. There is curious fluctuation in your temperament from excessive confidence to overwhelming insecurity about your abilities. In one instance you are inspired about great projects to help mankind, and in the next you become completely self-centered. You can become easily convinced that certain of your opinions just happen to be exactly correct which then makes it difficult for you to alter a course of action, be it for better or worse. You will encounter intense resistance when attempting to push your opinions forcibly upon those around you.

Your cycles in business will also fluctuate from near success to the brink of failure until you learn to resolve the underlying fear of failure. Your enormous talents can go to waste because you lack the confidence to develop them thoroughly. You are best working cooperatively with others and are often indecisive and discouraged. Once you have been told how to do a job, you are capable of much achievement if left alone to work independently. Even though you desire a role of leadership, it does not come easily. You are excellent in work which inspires others. However, once things are underway your prefer to move on to new territory.

You need many supportive friends around you and attract individuals who also have considerable unexpressed abilities. Your choice of friends is very important because some could easily prey upon your weakness and self doubt. You would benefit from being around people who use metaphysical, self-help, and growth techniques with maturity and wisdom.

Your behavior in love and romance is changeable and insecure. You seek a partner who recognizes your needs and gives you the confidence to push a little harder. You may seek love affairs to bolster a sagging self-image. You work best in a marriage with a mate who is flexible and supportive. You are not particularly domestic and prefer not to be tied down to all demands of family life. You have an abundant vitality and recover easily from illness.

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