יום שבת, 25 בדצמבר 2010

Big Brother Israel Season 3 Atay Schulberg Profile

Meet Atay Schulberg
He falls in love with no way back, the person closest to him his world is mother, is a position on those around him calm and hope, but be surprised to discover that he has dark sides. Get to know Atay Schulberg
Date of Birth: 09/10/1983
Luck: Libra
Current residence and where the source: Intelligence today, originally from Jerusalem
Military service: combat battalion of the Nahal Brigade 50
Marital status: single + dog
Study: Chinese
My motto: that in life everything goes ... Animals should not be to one another, we are human beings and the right.
Profession / Occupation Current: waiter, bartender and consultant studies
What is the worst best friend your best: My ability to induce relaxation and hope to those around me. Worst: I scattered obsessed, able to change programs of years tested, falls in love with no way back
Describe yourself in - 5 words: whatever I flows
What is your biggest dream: to make full of money and change the world biggest way I can
What was the biggest Ahfadyahah you? Once slept the whole night in bed with someone when I was sure she was someone else. Morning was not pleasant.
What is your greatest fear? Get lost and know myself better
About the closest person to you? My mother
If you could trade places with someone for one day - who would you choose and why: I would replace some Indian guru sitting on a snowy mountaintop. For Hashanti
What would you change yourself? Party: I love my body as it is. Internal: more peace less white noise.
How many friends you have on Facebook: 448
What your friends will be surprised to discover you? There are dark sides to me too
What is the ultimate fun for you? Evening consists of a huge meal with friends, drinking quality, Okrahe club until dawn, at the end of my bed I smell shampoo branch surfer hair caressing my back
What was the hardest moment in your life? Moment when I cried to my grandmother's funeral
Who is sexiest woman in your eyes? Penelope Cruz
Music lover: "Mznen" Massive Attack, Infected Mushroom, NIN
Favorite movie: Big Lebowski
Did you first seasons of Big Brother? Who was your favorite among the residents and why? I watched a little ... Eliraz was the most sound of them all
Thing that annoys you? Lack of respect and contempt
What the best advice you received in life? Sometimes you have to detach the emotion and work from the head, without asking why, just cold logic ... Excellent advice, to this day I could not implement it.
When the last time you cried and why? Was very happy today, happy with myself ... I went to the balcony, I took the sunset deep inside I cried for no reason is set. It's sometimes volatile emotions.
If you win, what will you do with the money? I'll never look like her party, will close the duties of the people closest to me, and put 100 000 degree and go easy on walking in the sand for a few months. Oh yeah, Ducati Daneds green.
How far are you willing to go to win the sympathy of the audience? I have no problem with anything, except for lack of taste. Come bring something!