יום שבת, 25 בדצמבר 2010

Big Brother Israel Season 3 Shiran Gitter Profile

Get to know Shiran Gitter
She did not keep a grudge, believe needs to follow heart, dreaming of being a famous singer and actress, gets annoyed when listening to her and afraid to lose her dog. Get to know Shauna Guitar
Date of birth: 1989 / 7 / 9
Luck: Cancer
Current residence and where the source: originally from Ramat Gan and now Petah Tikva
Military service: HFC
Marital status: single
Education: I completed 12 years of schooling
My motto is: Follow your own heart and believed
Profession / Current occupation: currently not engaged in anything
What is the worst best friend your best friend is that I do not keep a grudge, the worst that I was not impatient
Describe yourself in 5 words: ambitious, sensitive and caring playful rebellious
What is your biggest dream? Be a famous singer and actress
What was the biggest Ahpdyahah you? I moved bathing suit during a wave came and made me and I saw everyone looking at me and I realized why until my little sister told me
What is your greatest fear? Lose my dog
About the closest person to you? My twin sister, Rinat Guitar
If you could trade places with someone for one day, who would you choose and why: I would choose my dog to know what she feels she is with us and what needs to change her I was going back to be myself
What would you change yourself? Externally the height, both internally impatience
How many friends you have on Facebook? 2871
What your friends will be surprised to find out about you? I'm big brother
What is the ultimate fun for you? Neighborhood pub
What was the hardest moment in your life? My father was injured due to medical malpractice and informed us that he will remain crippled hand
Who sexiest man you? Ashton Kutcher, Brad Pitt and Ran Danker
Music lover: Moshe Peretz, Dudu Aharon and Eyal Golan
Your favorite movie? "Just Married" and "What Happens in Vegas"
Did you first seasons of Big Brother Who was your favorite among the residents and why? Yossi Boublil first season, because it's funny people. Eliraz second season field because it destroys cute, modest and genuine
Thing that annoys you? Not listen to me
What the best advice you received in life? Respect yourself to respect you
When the last time you cried and why? 4 days ago when my aunt came to me in a dream late
If you win, what will you do with the money?'ll See my future
How far will you go to win the sympathy of the audience? As far as world