יום שבת, 25 בדצמבר 2010

Big Brother Israel Season 3 Yoav Maor Profile

Get to know Yoav Maor
His favorite movie is Notting Hill, get angry when people cease to things before they know it and he cried one last time when severed about the girl who played in three years. Get to know Yoav Maor
Date of birth: 9 November 1989
Luck: Scorpio
Current residence and where the original: All my life I was born and grew up in Kfar Saba, Herzliya currently developing most of the time because I work there but still live in - Grandpa
Military service: National service volunteer organization in the village - Grandpa
Marital status: Single Wanted (yeah right)
Education: I completed 12 years with great difficulty without a high school diploma
My motto: What makes life interesting for a number of experiences we accumulate until they run out - most important to gain as many experiences
Profession / Occupation Current: Owner 40% of the shares of Interactive advertising agency Purple
What is the best your worst? Good: talented, creative, bad: shocking with girls
Describe yourself in - 5 words: Yoav, the rest you will find yourself
What is your biggest dream? On a spiritual level: not miss anything me and my family forever, material level: a collection of Porsches, Ferrari and Lamborghini
What was the biggest Ahfadyahah you? Not long ago, I organized an event of Cellcom, I went up to speak - I accidentally "Cell" instead of Cellcom - before all the company executives
What is your greatest fear? Lose, or another party - the fitness of my work in my field
About the closest person to you? Friend of mine, Sapphire (Do not tell her but I hope it will be much more from a friend at some point, who knows - maybe after leaving the house ...)
If you could trade places with someone for one day - who would you choose and why: Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook's founder. Why? Because it could be interesting to live as a child (boy age 26 as a whole) that controls the monster who founded the whole world's life
What would you change yourself? External: Well, obviously I'd add a few inches in height. Say, another two feet this way, internal: to be less shy, I could have access to people without me before they access the
How many friends you have on Facebook? 4500 only because more can not
What your friends will be surprised to discover you? I'm big brother 3 Plus - I think they never really heard my music in depth.
What is the ultimate fun for you? A beer with 2-3 good friends, a quiet place with pleasant background music and an Israeli. Do not need more
What was the hardest moment in your life? Divorce of my parents decision to leave a comfortable salary of 10 thousand a month to set up my own business - when I realized that money does not matter, the most important thing that I would be my own boss.
Who is the world's sexy to you? I think that Jennifer Aniston during Frandeas
Music lover: Hive, Yoni Rechter, Hebrew classics. I am also very, but very, love the song "Innocent" singer "Daniel." I and friends sing it all the time on my birthday, they even organized a surprise dance for me this song. This song is so stupid it's genius.
Your favorite movie? Notting Hill. Yes Yes, Chick Flick, but I really connect to non-book seller - a misfit in the end marries a star. It's more or less my tape recorder, only I do not blond and all that ...
Did you first seasons of Big Brother? Who was your favorite among the residents and why? I really liked the Boublil, just because he made me laugh. I do not want to be like him in any parameter
Thing that annoys you? People stops me things before they know me only from the external impression.
What the best advice you received in life? Cut all contact from a girl who played me for 3 years my life making inquiries
When the last time you cried and why? Below to the previous question - I cried When he hung up connection to the same girl, when I discovered she was seeing someone time hiding it from me
If you win, what will you do with the money? Really I do not know - before we receive it and then have a dilemma, no? But overall, I think a large part of it will lie to the bank, have my children - one day
How far are you willing to go to win the sympathy of the audience? I believe my name to go far for sympathy of the audience - not win the sympathy of the audience, that audience will feel there's a pathetic attempt to ingratiate himself. I'm not trying to be liked, I came to enjoy - I hope the audience will enjoy with me